Camille Paloma Walton is a jeweller drawing inspiration from a variety of art practices to create striking contemporary jewels. Using a combination of metals and colourful semi-precious gemstones, her work is joyful, bold and highly expressive.
Camille Paloma Walton is a Manakau based jeweller creating striking and joyful contemporary pieces. Born and raised in Pōneke, Wellington by two creative parents - her mother a sculpture and her father a painter, Camille grew up immersed in a creative environment.
Camille studied a BAppA Jewellery Design at Whitireia Polytechnic, but finds herself exploring a variety of creative outlets that influence her jewellery practice. It is with a multitude of mediums and forms of expressions; the colour and expressiveness of paintings to the detail of drawing and approach to form in sculpture, through to the tactile experience of modelling, that provides Camille with endless possibilities and an ability to work with different materials.
Camille draws inspiration from traditional forms but likes to expand on these by combining materials, using playful colours and experimenting with scale. Her work feels boundless and highly expressive, often emblematic of a particular subject adorned with sparkly details.